HCS Education Foundation



dba Hayward Education Foundation

The Foundation

The Hayward Community Schools Educational Foundation (HCSEF) was established in 1959. Its primary purpose is to provide academic inspiration and financial assistance to qualified graduates of Hayward High School. The Foundation is administered by a non-compensated Board of Directors. The general responsibilities of the Board are: to accept donations, gifts or contributions at their discretion, invest monies in line with the purposes of the Foundation and to appropriate funds (scholarships) for accomplishing the purposes of the Foundation.

2021-22 HCSEF Officers

President - Bill Mestelle

Vice President - Dan VanderVelden

Treasurer - Randall Pachal

Secretary - Kathleen Pachal

A list of current directors is available upon request by contacting the Hayward High School Guidance Department at 715-638-9502.


Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible under IRS Code 501(c)(3). Gifts may be given as donations, bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or estate plans. Contributions of any amount are accepted and donors may contribute funds which bear their names or in honor of a designated person. Contributions may be made at any time by mail or contacting the Hayward High School Guidance Department. See address and telephone number below.

Scholarship Awards

Each year numerous Hayward High School graduates benefit from the (HCSEF) scholarships.

Eligible Recipients:

1. Highest Honors graduates of Hayward High School who are planning to attend college, vocational technical training or other post-secondary education.

2. Post High School students who have maintained a minimum cum. GPA of 2.75. Amounts awarded may vary from year to year and from student to student, depending on requests and availability of funds.

General Rules

* Scholarships through this Foundation are available only to graduates of Hayward High School.

* Foundation Scholarship application materials may be found here: http://hs.hayward.k12.wi.us/scholarship_info

* Application forms may be found on the Hayward Community Schools website: www.hayward.k12.wi.us  >Post Grad Scholarships

* Applications must be in writing including educational plans and current transcripts of grades submitted to the HHS Guidance Office by April 1st. (inc. cumulative GPA).

* Graduates are limited to three (3) post-secondary scholarships.

For additional information on how to contribute to this foundation, contact a Guidance Counselor at the Hayward Guidance Department.

Call: 715-638-9502 or write:

Hayward Community Schools

Attn: HS Counseling Dept. Educational Foundation, Inc.

15930 W. 5th St.

Hayward, WI 54843.

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